Covid 19 and its effects weigh heavy on human existence. The world looks to science to understand the virus, to treat and control it, and eventually bring it to an end. For the time being nations have rules to protect lives and livelihoods. Health personnel and other community services step up in support. On the news are interviews with learned professors.
In our more personal moments, and in sharing our lives as much as we can, what specifically can we do for ourselves?
The levels of lockdown afford more time to think about things other than former routine schedules. It seems it is in times of crisis or upheaval that people turn to things other than usual procedures and treasured possessions. Covid has consequences not only on what people are doing, but also on what they are becoming, and these consequences etch themselves into minds and hearts. Thinkers may reach a deeper realisation that there is more to their existence than what they had time to contemplate before. They may be more aware of getting enjoyment from the simple things of life. Just by appreciating friends more or nature around them. Considering other people, particularly those whose health or jobs are in jeopardy. Being concerned with buying products that support local business.
People are seeing other dimensions in themselves. More than merely earthly beings in a material world.
The Covid 19 virus is big, but not bigger than any one of us. This pandemic experience, although unwelcome, affords people genuine opportunity for spiritual and religious growth. I think that trials and tribulations help us to prove by good works what we are made of, and to affirm what we are called to become. At least, let us respect one another and the world we have been given. To people of prayer, let prayer be offered for these divine favours, the grace for all to be steadfast and to live with grateful hearts.
What do you think?